Training, workshops & events
Cochrane Australia delivers comprehensive systematic review training and professional development for health researchers across Australia.
Our evidence-based online and in-person workshops help both new and experienced authors to conduct and deliver high-quality systematic reviews.
We offer:
Systematic review fundamentals workshops: master essential methods for intervention reviews through practical and interactive training
Advanced methods workshops: explore specialised techniques and complex review types with expert teachers
Biennial research symposium: connect with the Cochrane community and explore the latest developments in systematic reviews and methods.
You can also access Cochrane’s online training materials at
Upcoming workshops
Register your interest to receive updates about new workshops throughout the year.
Any questions? Contact our training team:

GRADE Evidence to decision framework for making recommendations: Wed 26 and Fri 28 February (9 to 1pm, on zoom)
GRADE Evidence to decision framework for making recommendations: Wed 26 and Fri 28 February (9 to 1pm, on zoom)

GRADE approach to summarise evidence for policy and practice (online via zoom)
GRADE approach to summarise evidence for policy and practice: Wed 19 and Fri 21 (9 to 1pm, on zoom) – details coming soon

Assessing the risk of bias in non-randomised studies evaluating the effects of interventions (in-person workshop)
This in-person workshop is designed for anyone undertaking systematic reviews, synthesising evidence for guidelines, or generally interested in learning how to appraise studies.
Join national and international leaders in evidence synthesis methodology to learn about the ROBINS-I tool and all things risk of bias.

Evolving methods for evidence synthesis of health research
Join national and international experts in evidence synthesis and systematic review methods. This event is designed for:
Evidence synthesis practitioners
Systematic review researchers
Health research methodologists
Anyone interested in evidence synthesis methods development

Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods
Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods (online) 26th & 28th November 2024
Learn the essentials of how to conduct a systematic review of interventions in this 2-day online course
This course is aimed at authors of systematic reviews of intervention effects who wish to follow Cochrane methods. The course provides an overview of the essential methods required to write a protocol and get started on a review.
The course is designed to give those with little or no experience in systematic reviews a broad appreciation of the steps involved in planning a review. It covers several newer topics in the Cochrane Handbook, including planning for synthesis and the Cochrane risk of bias 2 tool. The course features practicals and demonstrations, including using Cochrane’s RevMan Web tool for conducting analysis.
Course facilitators include Dr Sue Brennan, Prof Joanne McKenzie and Dr Steve McDonald. As well as being experienced review authors and trainers, we are research methodologists specialising in the range of methods covered by the course and responsible for developing guidance contained in several chapters of the Cochrane Handbook.
Session 1 (Tues 26 Nov 9am-4pm)
Defining the review question and setting the eligibility criteria; searching for studies; risk of bias assessment of included studies using Cochrane RoB 2; planning for synthesis; introduction to meta-analysis.
Session 2 (Thurs 28 Nov 9am-4pm)
Common data types; RevMan Web; heterogeneity; assessing the certainty of the evidence (GRADE). Electronic copies of the slides are provided ahead of time. Participants will have trial access to the Review Manager software.
This workshop is:
$440 standard registration fee
$330 registration fee for full-time students
Free for authors of registered Cochrane reviews who are based in Australia.
More information
Please check your inbox to make sure you have received a copy of your registration details. You should receive a calendar invite for all sessions within two to three days of registering. If you are registering as a Cochrane author, we will be in touch with you shortly to confirm your eligibility for a free registration.
For more information on this course please email Carly Fry:
Refund Policy
We will refund tickets up to 1 day before the event

Join us at Engaging Evidence 2021 this November...
Join us at Engaging Evidence 2021 from 9-11 November to explore these recent developments through a national and regional lens. If you’re based in Australia or New Zealand and work in evidence synthesis or implementation, we encourage you to submit papers, posters and/or workshops to present over the course of this three-day online event.
Jointly hosted by the local networks of Cochrane, JBI, GRADE and G-I-N, EE21 offers a chance to exchange knowledge and ideas, and hear what others are up to in the worlds of evidence and research synthesis.

Upcoming workshop: Qualitative evidence synthesis (QES) and GRADE-CERQual
Qualitative evidence synthesis (QES), or systematic reviews of primary qualitative research, are becoming more common both within and outside Cochrane. Findings from QES are increasingly used in decision making processes, including to inform the development of clinical, health system and social welfare recommendations (e.g. by WHO, NICE) and to inform decisions across a wide range of public health and other areas. Course presenter Dr Meghan Bohren will introduce and detail QES: what it is, how its findings can be applied, methodological steps in conducting a QES and how to assess and describe the level of confidence to place in QES findings (GRADE-CERQual approach).

Upcoming GRADE workshop: GRADE approach to summarise evidence for policy and practice
Developing a guideline or doing a systematic review? GRADE methods can help you interpret and summarise your evidence. Used by the NHMRC, WHO, Cochrane and more than 100 organisations worldwide, GRADE provides a structured approach for communicating health research findings. Join Cochrane Australia and the Melbourne GRADE Centre online for the next GRADE course from 12-14 October (via Zoom).

Upcoming workshop: Writing a systematic review following Cochrane methods
This popular workshop offers a comprehensive overview of the methods required to write a protocol and get started on a review. It's suitable for people with little or no experience in systematic reviews who have identified a topic and are either already working on or are about to start working on a review. Join us online for six half-day sessions over 5 weeks from Wednesday 8 September to Friday 8 October.