Evidence services
We offer evidence services tailored to meet your needs through our Cochrane Evidence Synthesis Unit Australia – a collaborative partnership that draws on deep expertise from across disciplines, topics and groups.
Our expertise includes:
literature searching, critical appraisal and risk of bias, methods of statistical and narrative synthesis, complex reviews and using GRADE principles to interpret evidence and derive recommendations
translating knowledge from research into improvements in health care and health policy, working with policymakers, clinicians, researchers and consumers
capacity building in how to find, evaluate, interpret and use research evidence for researchers, clinicians and policymakers.
We conduct and provide guidance on finding, evaluating and synthesising research evidence, including:
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
Overviews of systematic reviews
Evidence maps
Methodological reviews of systematic reviews, overviews and guidelines
Critical appraisal of systematic reviews (ROBIS) and guidelines (AGREE)
We facilitate and advise on translating research into healthcare practice and policy, including:
Prioritisation of consumer, clinical and policy questions where research is needed, or needs to be implemented
Design and evaluation of strategies to increase use of evidence in practice and policy
Stakeholder consultation workshops, deliberative dialogues and guideline development group meetings.
We provide tailored training in how to find, synthesise and use health research evidence, including:
Commissioning and conducting systematic reviews
Appraising and interpreting systematic reviews
Use and interpretation of GRADE and creating summary of findings tables
Undertaking complex reviews and overviews of systematic reviews
Advanced search techniques
Need help with GRADE?
Our work on GRADE is led by the Melbourne GRADE centre, based at Cochrane Australia. For enquiries about any aspect of GRADE, please contact Sue Brennan at melbourne@gradeworkinggroup.org.
Consult us about your evidence needs:
To find out more about how we can help with your evidence needs, contact Cochrane Australia Co-Director Steve McDonald at steve.mcdonald@monash.edu.
Examples of our evidence synthesis work
We regularly work with groups including the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), to produce and review a wide range of evidence syntheses.
Recent examples include:
evidence map and ROBIS assessment of systematic reviews addressing prioritised research questions as part of the revision of the Australian Dietary Guidelines (for NHMRC)
systematic reviews of the clinical effectiveness of several natural therapies (aromatherapy, reflexology, Buteyko, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Bowen Therapy, kinesiology) as part of the review of the Australian Government Rebate on Natural Therapies for Private Health Insurance (for NHMRC)
systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of radiofrequency exposure on cognition (for WHO) (PubMed)
systematic review of association between different levels and patterns of alcohol consumption and long-term cognitive impairment (for NHMRC) (PubMed)
systematic review of spinal manipulation in children under 12 years of age (for Safer Care Victoria) (Report)
scoping review of implementation initiatives and interventions to improve care of women with heavy menstrual bleeding (for ACSQHC)
methodological review of the 'Deprescribing cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in people with dementia' guideline
two systematic reviews for the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare
systematic review of safe level of gluten for people with coeliac disease (for Coeliac Australia)
overview report of systematic reviews that include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
AGREE appraisal of the 'Secondary prevention of vascular disease in type 2 diabetes' guideline
methodological review of the 'PSA testing and early management of test-detected prostate cancer' guideline
updated systematic review (in partnership with Monash Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health) of additional evidence on wind farms and human health (for NHMRC)
overviews of aromatherapy, naturopathy and herbalism (as part of the review of the Australian Government Rebate on Private Health Insurance for Natural Therapies).
Knowledge Translation
We work with state, national and international policy organisations, health professional groups, healthcare services, researchers and others to support translation of research evidence into improved health care and health policy. We have recently:
developed an implementation strategy for ACSQHC Clinical Care Standards
provided methodological guidance to the Indonesian National Evidence Summit on Maternal Mortality
facilitated GRADE processes for guidelines developed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
provided methodological guidance for guideline development at the World Health Organization
led development of Cochrane’s Knowledge Translation Strategy
developed tools to measure capacity for use and uptake of research in policymaking
Education and training
We have provided tailored training for a range of organisations including: Alfred Health, Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), Dairy Australia, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and National Prescribing Service (NPS).
About our Cochrane Evidence Synthesis Unit Australia
Cochrane Australia and the Australian-based Cochrane groups have been home to many leading experts in evidence synthesis, systematic review methods and knowledge translation for over 30 years.
In mid-2024 were selected as one of the first Cochrane Evidence Synthesis Units to be established around the globe. Our Australian unit is based on a partnership model that brings together a wealth of clinical and methodological expertise across priority topic areas of interest to Australian governments, including chronic disease, health services, public health and Indigenous health.
Our Evidence Synthesis Unit partnership includes:
Four co-located units based within Monash University’s School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine:
Cochrane Australia's core team includes research and support staff with significant individual and collective track records, not only in delivering a wide range of evidence syntheses but also in pioneering new methods and types of synthesis, developing new platforms to support evidence synthesis production, and implementing novel dissemination formats.
Our collective experience and skills are reflected in Cochrane Australia’s substantial portfolio of commissioned work that covers a variety of evidence syntheses (systematic reviews, overviews, evidence maps, clinical practice guidelines) and knowledge translation outputs (decision aids, consumer resources, podcasts, videos, infographics and media coverage).
Cochrane Australia is widely recognised as a trusted producer of evidence syntheses and advisor on synthesis methods. We have been a member of Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council's (NHMRC) Health Evidence and Methods Panel since its formation over a decade ago. Since then we have conducted (and provided methodological advice for) evidence syntheses commissioned by NHMRC, Australian Government (Dept of Health, Dept of Defence), Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, and Safer Care Victoria (see Table 1). We have also been commissioned by WHO to conduct syntheses and provide methodological input to their guidelines and serve on technical panels and editorial groups for the development of WHO guidance.
We also have significant expertise in delivering training on systematic reviews methods and GRADE to authors of reviews and providing bespoke training to a wide range of organisations.
Cochrane Australia established ALEC in 2018 to develop living synthesis methods and collaborations (arising from our work on the Cochrane Gamechanger Project Transform). In 2020, ALEC rapidly convened Australia’s National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce, bringing together 200+ contributors from 35 national peak health bodies to develop national living guidelines for COVID in Australia.
ALEC is a collaboration of 64 national health organisations and has a range of partnerships with global organisations including WHO, NICE, Alliance for Living Evidence (ALIVE) and MAGIC. The ALEC team developed the methods for living systematic reviews (LSRs), authored the Cochrane guidance for LSRs, and oversaw their piloting and evaluation in Cochrane. Today, the ALEC team, which includes Cochrane Musculoskeletal and Cochrane Kidney and Transplant, is bringing their expertise to develop world-first living guidelines in arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease, pregnancy and postnatal care and stroke and is at the forefront of the development, application and evaluation of living evidence synthesis methods.
The Melbourne GRADE Centre provides advocacy, methodological advice and support, and training for review authors, guideline developers and health policymakers in our region. The centre connects our team to an international network of over 600 experts in the GRADE working group, enabling our active involvement in the development of GRADE guidance and integration of the most recent GRADE advances in our courses.
MESU’s mission is to develop, evaluate and make accessible optimal statistical and research methodology for evidence synthesis. The MESU team (headed by Prof Joanne McKenzie and deputy head Dr Matthew Page) has led and contributed to major developments and understanding in evidence synthesis including developing reporting guidelines (PRISMA 2020, PRIOR, SWiM, and extensions to PRISMA 2020), risk of bias tools (ROB-ME, RoB 2), methods for synthesis when meta-analysis is not possible, methods for meta-analysing results from non-randomised studies, methods for overviews of systematic reviews, examining reproducibility in systematic reviews and bias in the review process. MESU staff regularly provide training to researchers, nationally and internationally, and collaborate on systematic reviews. MESU is funded through nationally competitive NHMRC and ARC grants.
Australian-based Cochrane Review Groups, Thematic Groups & the University of Adelaide’s HESRI group
HESRI is a research group based at the University of Adelaide that is focused on improving evidence-based decision making throughout health policy and practice through evidence synthesis, guideline development and evidence implementation.
Work with us
To find out more about our ESU and commissioning evidence, complete this form below and we will get back to you.