Does using low-sodium salt substitutes (LSSS) instead of regular salt reduce blood pressure and heart disease risks?

High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is the largest cause of preventable deaths worldwide, mainly because it causes stroke, acute coronary syndrome (ACS - where less blood flows to the heart), and kidney problems.

A new Cochrane review published today weighs up the evidence on low-sodium salt substitutes (LSSS) - products with less sodium than regular salt - and the role they might play in lowering blood pressure.

Amounts of sodium in LSSS are lowered by replacing some of the sodium with potassium or other minerals. LSSS may help lower risks of using regular salt, since eating lots of sodium and not enough potassium contributes to high blood pressure.

The review found that:

  • In adults, using LSSS instead of regular salt in food probably lowers blood pressure slightly. Adults using LSSS instead of regular salt probably have a slightly lower risk of non-fatal heart conditions, such as stroke or a sudden reduced blood flow to the heart, and death from heart disease.

  • Using LSSS instead of regular salt probably also slightly increases the level of blood potassium (a mineral that keeps the heart beat at the right pace) in adults. This could be harmful for people who cannot effectively regulate the potassium in their bodies. Other evidence on safety is very limited.

From the available evidence, the review authors were not certain about effects of using LSSS in place of regular salt on blood pressure in children, or whether using LSSS is safe in children.

The evidence may also not directly apply to people known to be at risk of high blood potassium, such as people with kidney problems or on certain medications.

Find out more by accessing the full review in the Cochrane Library.


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Vale Gale Higgins, a true friend and colleague to so many