Join us at Engaging Evidence 2021: Evolving Approaches Australia & New Zealand

Join us at Engaging Evidence 2021: Evolving Approaches Australia & New Zealand

Registration and abstract submission is now open for our flagship evidence event Engaging Evidence 2021: Evolving Approaches Australia & New Zealand. Jointly hosted by the local networks of Cochrane, JBI, GRADE and G-I-N, EE21 offers a chance to exchange knowledge and ideas, and hear what others are up to in the worlds of evidence and research synthesis.

Evidence has taken centre stage around the globe over this past year. Practitioners, patients, policy makers, politicians, the media and the public continue to grapple with how to use and communicate evidence in a time of uncertainty. This focus on evidence has shone a spotlight on both research synthesis and implementation, exposing shortcomings and prompting shifts in our thinking. 

The uptake of living evidence approaches to reviews and guidelines has accelerated, and other key aspects of research synthesis continue to evolve—automation, bias, synthesis methods, reporting, reproducibility and integrity. 

So join us at Engaging Evidence 2021 to explore recent developments through a national and regional lens. If you’re based in Australia or New Zealand and work in evidence synthesis or implementation, we encourage you to submit papers, posters and/or workshops to present over the course of this three-day online event. Visit to submit your abstracts, or sign up for updates and notification when registration opens in mid-September.

Stillbirth prevention and respectful bereavement care: New Cochrane Library Special Collection

Stillbirth prevention and respectful bereavement care: New Cochrane Library Special Collection

WHO Rapid Review: clear communication critical in the battle against COVID-19

WHO Rapid Review: clear communication critical in the battle against COVID-19